SOTENI International
Donate Online
SOTENI International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in the United States and Kenya with over 20 years of experience in sustainable development and the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. Our mission now includes breaking the cycle of poverty AND disease by advancing entrepreneurship, health services, and wellbeing in Kenya and Eswatini.
Other ways to give:

Send a Check
Make the check payable to SOTENI International and mail to:
103 William Howard Taft Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45219

Gift of Stock
Please call Keith Bookbinder at Harbour Financial Group,
513-891-4060 for more information.

International Donations Via Global Giving
Click here to be redirected to our Kenya Programs Campaign and click here for Swazi SHEROES where you can give in any major currency.

MPESA Donation
Make a donation in Kenyan Shillings with MPESA:
Select pay bill and enter business number 891300
Enter account number GG40277